November 9, 2021
This Saturday from 4:00-8:00 come out to the Orland Fairgrounds to enjoy dinner at the Lake School Spaghetti Feed. This event is our biggest fundraiser of the year! The money rais...

November 2, 2021
Glenn STEP will be hosting a Vaping Education Night for Parents online. Please see the attached flyer for details. Thursday November 11, 2021 English Presentation at 6:00 pm ...

October 21, 2021
This is a free clinic open to all ages who reside in the North State. The program director has stated that they will provide glasses on the spot, along with dental and medical ser...

October 8, 2021
Trick or Treat Safe Drive-Thru Candy Giveaway Bring the family for free goodies (while supplies last)! Dress up, Stay Safe, and Have Some Fun!!! October 29th, 2021! Willows and...

October 8, 2021
Flu and COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
GLENN COUNTY, CA — Glenn County Public Health in collaboration with Northern Valley Indian Health and Tri Counties Community Action Partner...

October 8, 2021
Glenn County Behavioral Health! To create ease and comfort when seeking Mental Health treatment and help with Substance Use Disorders, we have made referrals available online...

October 1, 2021
Girls on the Run is back . . . but we need volunteer coaches! The Girls on the Run (GOTR, for 3rd-5th grade girls) and Heart & Sole (H&S for 6th-8th grade girls) curricula are de...

September 27, 2021
Please see the attached flyer for a valuable training for anyone that works with youth or has children of their own to learn how youth are hiding their activity on-line. Our y...

September 23, 2021
Through supportive services, safe haven, trauma education, and advocacy, West Side Domestic Violence Shelter creates sustainable change and healing through empowerment. To fin...

September 21, 2021
Did you know that 91 percent of parents expect their children will attend college? And that 89 percent of them expect to help pay for it? The good news is you can help support you...

September 20, 2021
A great resource for parents, community members and even students is our Glenn Student Tobacco Education Program (GlennSTEP) Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/4GlennSTEP ,...

September 17, 2021
Art for Change: An Evening with Young People in Celebration of the Hope and Justice Virtual Art Gallery
September 22 nd , 2021 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00pm (PST)

September 10, 2021
It is World Suicide Prevention Day! Each year on September 10th, World Suicide Prevention Day encourages worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicide and to support those ...

September 9, 2021
Hello Glenn County!
During this challenging time, our MDC Team, with our agency, is dedicated to promoting the health and wellness of our communities and remain committed to...

September 3, 2021
EC Section 60119 requires that local governing boards hold an annual public hearing and adopt a resolution(DOC) stating whether each pupil in the LEA has sufficient textbooks ...

August 30, 2021
Mrs. Field's/Cheesecake Fundraiser to support our Student Body!

August 30, 2021
Thursday, September 16th 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. California Highway Patrol Willows, CA Child Safety Seat Check Up Event

August 16, 2021
Hello! This is the weekly message for the week of August 16, 2021.
Summer Reading Program: Now that we are back in school it is time to turn in your summer reading minutes....